Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Under eye bags

Most bags under the eyes are the result of accumulated fat in the eye area. This happens when the septum surrounding the eyeball weakens, causing the outer layer of fat within the socket to sink forward – making it look like you have literal "bags" under your eyes.

Before you begin any treatment, it is important to rule out any underlying medical causes, as bags under your eyes can be a symptom of a larger problem within the body, such as a kidney problem or a slow thyroid. Under eye bags could also be a result of excess salt intake, cigarette smoking or even food sensitivities/allergies.

The best thing to do is

~ Stay Hydrated
~ Watch Your Diet
~ Get Plenty of Sleep, and
~ use Cool Compresses when you can.

For cool compresses to reduce the puffiness underneath your eyes, you can use tea bags, potato slices or the old standby, cucumber slices. For a quick fix, try placing two spoons in the freezer for 10-15 minutes and position them over your eyes while you relax.

It's also important to experiment with different eye serums because what works for one person may not work for another. Serums are much better for under eye bags, than creams because they usually contain aloe vera which is very soothing for skin.

Good luck!

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness


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medical refrigeration equipment said...

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