Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Love the Skin You're In!

Interested in what the latest and greatest products are in skin care? Look no further . . .

New Skin Care Products with Natural Ingredients

The 10 beauty products our editors could not live without

If you’d like to try the mark Glossblossom Ripening Lip Tint (as listed in the second article), I am also an AVON Representative, so please contact me at to place an order!!

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Friday, April 25, 2008

Five Reasons to Feel Blue

Any way you buy them - fresh, frozen or dried - blueberries are absolutely packed with nutritional power. If you need any reason other than their sweet taste to snack on blueberries, keep these nutritional vignettes in mind:

Anthocyanins (the pigments that make blueberries blue) are potent antioxidants: A half cup of blueberries provides the antioxidant power of five servings of peas, carrots, apples, squash or broccoli. Yes, it's true

Berries are a healthy, low glycemic-index carbohydrate, making them an especially good choice for diabetics.

Blueberries are a source of vitamin C, important for a healthy immune system.

Blueberries offer two grams of fiber per one-half cup serving.

Blueberries may have health benefits ranging from preventing cancer and defending against urinary tract infections to protecting the brain from stroke damage and reducing heart disease risks.

Please buy organic blueberries at your local produce stand, and toss some in a salad, on cereal, with oatmeal, or as a snack. If fresh organic blueberries are cost prohibitive, substitute with frozen or dried blueberries. All three forms provide health-protective benefits!! Keep in mind, however, that dried blueberries (or any dried fruit for that matter) contain a concentrated source of sugar, so enjoy them in moderation.

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Monday, April 21, 2008

10 Things You Can Do Today to Improve Your Health!

Your health is dependant on many, many things, including your current dietary and lifestyle habits, your mood, environmental exposure to toxins, stressors in your life, your genetics and a whole host of other factors which to a greater or lesser degree, affect how you feel on a daily basis. However, there are a number of things you can do TODAY to make dramatic improvements in your heath and well-being.

1. Drink 8 8-oz. glasses of pure water between meals. Every function in your body is dependent on water in some way, so you need to insure you are giving your body an adequate supply of this vital nutrient. The basic recommendation is to obtain half your weight in ounces of water per day, minimum.

2. Relax before eating. If you are uptight, hurried, nervous, etc., you should not eat. Take a couple of minutes to wind down, relax and let go of your worries and stresses before anything goes into your mouth. Being uptight while eating will lead to improper digestion and a whole host of gastrointestinal disorders down the road. Enjoy the food you are eating and take time to savor it!

3. Chew your food!! The food you eat should be a liquid before it hits the back of your throat. This insures that the food is broken down adequately and mixed with your salivary enzymes to promote optimal digestion.

4. Drink minimal liquids with meals. Drinking water or other liquids with meals dilutes the digestive juices and hinders proper digestion.

5. Eliminate wheat and wheat products from your diet, at least for 2-4 weeks. Wheat products contain a protein called gluten that causes sensitivities in most people. The only way to determine the degree of your sensitivity is to cut it out of your diet completely for 2-4 weeks and try reintroducing it. Eliminating wheat is especially important for those who are trying to lose weight.

6. Limit most dairy products. Dairy products including milk, cheese, ice cream, et cetera, contain many substances that are difficult for the body to digest. The one exception is cultured yogurt; many people tolerate yogurt well – just look for a variety that does not have added sugar.

7. Eliminate soda/pop from your diet - - period. All carbonated beverages contain high amounts of acids that are very detrimental to your health. Sodas are particularly harmful to you as they also contain sweeteners, artificial sweeteners, colors, flavors, preservatives, and numerous other additives that do nothing but detract from your health. Stick to water and herbal teas and you will be on your way to a healthier, happier you!

8. Get at least 30 minutes of regular exercise daily. This doesn’t all have to be at one time, so feel free to break it up if you have to. Breathe deeply while you exercise and be sure to stretch the major muscle groups after you finish.

9. Obtain at least 15 minutes of sunshine everyday. The only way your body produces Vitamin D is through direct skin exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D acts as a hormone in the body and affects many vital functions, including proper healing, repair and bone strength. For example, going for a walk after lunch is a perfect time to get sun, exercise and fresh air injected into your day.

10. Take time for yourself each day. This is crucial, and most of us just blow it off. I’m talking about 5-15 minutes even where you take the time to meditate, listen to music, paint, draw, call a friend, read a book, etc. Your health is YOUR responsibility, so take some time each day and do something for yourself. Surround yourself with things that make you happy: plants, flowers, pictures, etc. Fill your space with happiness and health.

If you don’t feel like you can incorporate all of these into your life right now, pick three and start them TODAY. Add another one in a week or every couple days until you have all ten. As you add them in, notice how your body and outlook changes. Soon, you will be enjoying a much more vibrant, happy and healthy existence and you won’t be able to fathom what life was like before you decided to take control of your health and make these ten simple changes.

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Health & Fitness for our planet as well

Earth Day is April 22, 2008 . . .

Earth Day is a great time not only to assess our accomplishments protecting the air, water and land, but also to look to what other steps we can each take to protect our families and environment. In that spirit, here are a few simple ideas we can all put in place to promote a clean environment and healthy people:

Don’t burn household debris and yard waste. Backyard fire pits create emissions of hazardous smoke that can contain high levels of dioxins. Instead of burning yard waste, create a compost pile.

If you’re shopping for a new car, consider a hybrid model. Compared to similar cars, you’ll get better gas mileage and save money, and your car will produce fewer emissions that create air pollution (including greenhouse gases).

Find out if your town offers safe disposal for household toxins. Call your local city or town before disposing of old household chemicals, cleansers, fertilizer, motor oil, pesticides, batteries, paint or electronics. This helps to keep potentially hazardous materials out of landfills and from contaminating our soil and water.

When shopping for new appliances for your home, look for the Energy Star label. Only products that are more energy efficient than their peers can earn an Energy Star label. This will save you money on energy bills, help reduce demand on power plants and reduce emissions to the air.

When using household cleaning products, pesticides or other chemical products, carefully read the label first to learn how to safely use the product. Never use more than called for in the product’s instructions, and always follow any precautions – this will help protect your family, your pets and, most importantly, the environment.

Recycle everything you can: paper, cardboard, cans, plastic, glass - even electronics. Find out from your town or city which products they are able to recycle.

Reduce your time driving alone in your car. Carpool as much as possible; combine errands to minimize trips; take public transportation to work, or better yet ride a bicycle or walk. You’ll help reduce road congestion, reduce emissions to the air, and stay fit.

Plant a tree! This is my favorite because it gets you outside and doing physical activity. Because trees take in and store carbon, a tree not only provides shade, habitat for birds and wildlife, and beauty, but is a thoughtful legacy left for future generations!!

What will you do to help keep our Mother Earth fit?

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ten Thoughts on WHOLE Living!

1. When you commit your dreams to paper, you give them a place to take root.

2. Be mindful of where you put your attention. The shape of your life will follow.

3. When you view your health as nonnegotiable, your priorities naturally shift.

4. Positive change starts with truth, and no one knows it better than you.

5. You're more than just what you do for others.

6. Before you react to an emotion, first consider its source.

7. Learning to let go begins with understanding why you've been hanging on.

8. Do more than understand stress reduction; put it in practice.

9. There's no way to grow without taking a few risks.

10. Setting boundaries doesn't keep others out. It defines where your life begins!!

From the May 2008 issue of body + soul magazine.

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Beating Back Pain!!

This is great video with excellent advice on ways YOU can beat back pain!!

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness
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