Monday, December 31, 2007

Begin each day as if it were on purpose!

As the end of 2007 draws near, we pause to reflect on what was, what is to come and what changes we want to make in the year 2008. When you're making your list of resolutions for 2008, I'd like to remind you that every single day is a new opportunity to make positive changes in the way you live: whether it be going to bed a half an hour earlier, adding a serving of vegetables to your daily diet, or adding a half an hour meditation. A new year is a great reason for change, but every new day is as well.

I hope you'll join me on this journey of change to bring balance, health, serenity and strength to ourselves, our families and our lives. Please revisit here every day (beginning with tomorrow's blog all about yoga), as I give insight and advice in achieving your resolutions to becoming a better you.

I look forward to being an inspiration every day, and partner for you, for total Trinity Fitness.

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Friday, December 28, 2007

Food for thought

1. True power comes from internal strength, not necessarily muscular prowess.

2. Every interaction has an emotional impact. Handle each one with awareness.

3. A healthy diet is a vibrant, flavorful one.

4. Passion, like fire, requires stoking. Find new ways to intensify it.

5. Personal fitness emerges when you confidently inhabit your body.

6. Know your worth - and accept nothing less.

7. Celebrate the milestones that mean the most to you - - not someone else.

8. Simply being present is often the most valuable gift you can give.

9. Solitude feeds your soul, but that doesn't mean you always have to go it alone.

10. Misery may be contagious, but so is joy!!

From the July + August 2007 edition of Body + Soul Magazine.

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Winter Skin Woes - How to Retaliate!

Why does winter cause dry skin? Freezing temperatures, indoor heat, and relentless wind take precious moisture out of our skin and the air. Other times of the year, when there is more humidity present, our beautiful skin doesn’t have to work so hard to retain its radiant appearance. However, everything changes in the wintertime: substances in skin that normally maintain the water content are depleted and the skin’s lipid (oil) capacity isn't enough to provide protection against these harsh conditions.

Our skin can be described as a multi-layer cake (yum!) covered by a single sheet of clear plastic wrap to keep it fresh. The plastic wrap (called the stratum corneum or the acid mantle layer) prevents the layers underneath from drying out. That outer layer of skin is vulnerable in this frigid environment. To make matters worse, there is a lot of confusion about how to care for dry skin. For example, people tell me they are using soap (strips the acid mantle layer), taking long baths or hot showers (depletes your body of essential oil), overscrubbing skin with loofahs and/or exfoliants, and unfortunately, they are asking for more skin woes. Having a game plan, and an expert to assist you, can help you avoid the dry skin blues.

So here are a few recommendations for year-round care to keep skin cells intact:

Drink Water: I put this first because I believe it is the most important factor for your overall health! The human body is made up of 55 to 75% water and is in need of constant replenishment. Your lungs expel between two and four cups of water each day through normal breathing - even more on a cold day! If your feet sweat, there goes another cup of water. Do you make half a dozen trips to the bathroom during the day? That's about six cups of water. If you perspire, you expel two cups of water (not including exercise-induced perspiration). Simply drinking adequate amounts of water will help your skin shine and appear more youthful. Most people have heard to drink 8, 8 ounces glasses a day, but the formula I advise is: take your weight & divide by 2 - - the number you get is the minimum number of ounces of water you should be drinking every day.

Apply & Reapply moisturizer: You can't use too much, so when your skin starts feeling dry, apply more moisturizer. If your lips feel chapped you usually reapply Chapstick, right? The same rule applies for the rest of your skin.

Buy a humidifier: Low humidity is the cause of most weather-related dry skin. Humidifiers are inexpensive, last a long time, and work for the whole family. If you have a large home, you may need more than one humidifier.

Exfoliate: But don’t over-exfoliate! You should only exfoliate every other week to assist with cell turnover, and a well-formulated AHA or BHA exfoliant can assist this natural process beautifully. Helping skin do what it should do year-round (turn over the top layer and replace it with newer, smoother cells) is a great way to prevent dryness.

Sunscreen: You still need sunscreen during the winter months! Daylight, even dim daylight, causes skin damage making the skin less and less able to retain moisture or feel smooth. Sun-damaged skin has minimal ability to function in a normal, healthy manner. Use a light, oil-free sunscreen with a minimum SPF 15 whenever you go outside.

Here's a Moisture Mask recipe for an at home “day at the spa”:

6 oz plain yogurt
¼ finely crushed almonds
2 tsp Beeswax or honey
2 tsp wheat germ oil

Mix all ingredients until you obtain a smooth texture. Apply & massage into skin. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Ingredient Benefits:

Crushed Almonds: Exfoliating power • Eliminates dead skin
Honey: Aids in adhering mask to the skin
Wheat Germ Oil: Contains Vitamin E • Fights free radicals

Finally, winter doesn't have to mean dry, cracked skin. By utilizing some or all of these preventative measures, you can enjoy the season without paying the price of winter-weary skin!

~ Live well ~
Trinity Fitness

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