Monday, July 28, 2008

Live Well. Eat Well.

If you’re reading this, it’s because you desire to live a healthier life, and I commend you!! One way you can do this is by adding these nutrition-packed veggies to your grocery cart and pantry:

Cabbage: This low-cost, yet highly nutritious cruciferous vegetable contains nutrients called indoles, which may protect against both breast and prostate cancer. Cabbage also provides significant amounts of fiber and vitamin C.

Sweet potatoes: These orange gems are rich in beta carotene and cartenoids, may help boost the immune system, deliver vitamin C and folate (which may reduce the risk of heart disease and prevent certain birth defects), and are low on the glycemic index. Click on this link to read more about the sweet potato and get some great recipes!

Onions: This classic, pungent vegetable adds flavor to any meal. Allicin, a phytonutrient found in most varieties of onions, may be responsible for its health benefits, including lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

Garlic: This fragrant bulb contains many of the same phytonutrients as onions, as well as antibiotic and antiviral compounds. It may help boost the immune system, prevent colds, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and fight fungal or yeast infections.

Spinach: This dark leafy green veggie (and others like it, such as kale and collards) contains lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidant carotenoids that may help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration. Spinach is also a great source of calcium and folate, a B vitamin that helps to prevent birth defects. Buy organic spinach, since pesticides are commonly used on conventionally grown varieties.

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Fat vs. Carbs Debate Continues

Many of you out there are still wondering whether to give up the fat gram or the carbohydrates, and a Harvard scientist has conducted some interesting research.

Read about his findings at In the end, it's all about the overall quality of your diet, not a specific item in your diet and I fully believe in that.

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Monday, July 14, 2008

Liquid consumption – Do’s and Don’ts

Whatever your health goals (watching your weight or just a desire to be healthier), taking a look at what you drink is absolutely key to reaching your goals. Unfortunately, empty calories can lurk in all types of beverages - especially these:

Coffee drinks – full-fat cream, artificial syrups, and extras such as chocolate sprinkles. These fancy drinks can pack as many calories (and fat) as a meal.

Summer cocktails such as margaritas, pina coladas and daiquiris are sugary summer drinks that pack a double dose of calories due to alcohol and sugar - some can top 800 calories in one drink!!

Non-juice “juice drinks.” Before you buy juice, people, READ the label and make sure it says 100% juice (not just “made with” real juice). Also, be sure to read the label and check for artificial sweeteners and calories. Many of these products are no better than drinking pure sugar water!

Soda. There isn’t anything nutritious about soda, whether it’s diet or regular. If you’re a soda addict, break the habit now and eliminate soda as a treat. Period.

Instead, here are some healthier options for you:

Green tea. Green tea is a potent source of catechins - healthy antioxidants which can inhibit cancer cell activity and help boost immunity. Replace your morning coffee with a cup of tea for a “healthier” wake-up.

Cranberry juice. Cranberries are a rich source of vitamin C. Instead of cranberry juice cocktail, however, opt for unsweetened cranberry juice concentrate and dilute it with water or even sparkling water, for an alternative to soda.

Red wine. The antioxidant activity of red wine has been linked to heart health benefits, reduced stress, and even memory. If you enjoy an occasional drink, limit your intake to 1-2 glasses a day. If you don’t drink, don’t start - there are other ways to get antioxidants in your diet, including fresh, whole fruits and vegetables.

Pure, filtered water. Staying well hydrated is essential to optimal health and overall functioning. I cannot stress this enough!! Remember the formula: half of your weight in ounces is the minimum requirement of water consumption per day.

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness
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