Monday, March 31, 2008


The mere fact that we have an American Institute of Stress is an indication of just how serious this problem is, and we must combat stress head-on!! Please visit the site (link above) and read more about what it is, what causes it and what you can do to minimize stress in your life. I know even I'm guilty of oftentimes putting too much on my plate and that's my own fault. We must remember to "seize the day" and pause to reflect on what is truly important in our un-ending list of things to do.

Please remember to enjoy your day, and those lovely people you encounter in your day, and most of all, smile and enjoy yourself!!

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Friday, March 28, 2008

Inspirational Stories

Need a little extra encouragement to stay focused on becoming a healthier you?

Please visit: and read stories of regular people dealing with the same choices, and see how they have come out on top!!

You're on the right track . . . keep up the great work!!

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dr. Andrew Weil

"Andrew Weil, M.D., has devoted the past thirty years to developing, practicing, and teaching others about the principles of integrative medicine. Dr. Weil combines a Harvard education and a lifetime of practicing natural and preventive medicine to provide a unique approach to health care which encompasses body, mind, and spirit." It's no wonder why I admire him so much!! To read more about this extraordinary doctor, please visit his website.

I do not typically blog on Tuesdays, but when I saw a video featuring Dr. Weil this morning, I had to share it with you because he solidifies the Trinity Fitness philosophy for eating and living well.

Dr. Weil says in this video:

~ Consume lots of fruits and vegetables

~ Buy fresh whole grain bread in your grocery bakery

~ Make sure you consume plenty of Omega 3 fatty acids, which can be obtained by eating fish (salmon, mainly)

~ Add spices to flavor your food (parsley, basil, thyme, garlic, ginger and turmeric). Simply because you're eating healthy doesn't mean you have to sacrifice taste. Ginger and turmeric are the main spices he mentions. They both have anti-inflammatory properties, and turmeric has anti-cancer properties. (Click on the words ginger and turmeric to read more about them - you'll be amazed!).

Dr. Weil says if you make healthier choices, such as the ones he mentions, within 6 - 8 weeks you'll notice a difference in the way you feel, and you may even get the added benefit of losing weight. You can't go wrong!!

Trinity Fitness encourages you to make better selections at the grocery store. It's easy to buy the pre-packaged, preservative saturated foods, but you owe it to yourself, your family and your health to bring home more naturally grown foods.

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Monday, March 24, 2008

Yoga for kids

Yoga for kids is not a new concept. Almost every Yoga studio has an option for children and it's wonderful for them. It teaches them to relax, to breathe completely, to focus and to stretch. So not only is it fantastic for you, but it's also great for them. Yoga is successfully at work at an elementary school in Atlanta. Watch this report as seen on today ~ ~ Body of Knowledge: Young yoga.

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Friday, March 21, 2008

Simple Substitutes!

Health is all about the choices we make everyday, at every meal, for what we choose to put in our mouths. Natural foods are more beneficial for your body (the way nature intended) than processed foods filled with preservatives.

Here are few healthy, simple, natural substitutes to help keep you on the right track:

Ingredient: Chips & Dip
Natural Subsitution: Hummus & whole grain crackers
Benefit: Provides protein, instead of empty calories

Ingredient: 1 cup white sugar
Natural Substitution: 1 cup evaporated cane juice crystals
Benefit: Less refined, richer, and more natural flavor

Ingredient: Croutons
Natural Substitution: Toasted pumpkin seeds
Benefit: Adds iron

Ingredient: 2 Tbsp butter for sauteing veggies
Natural Substitution: 2 Tbsp vegetable broth
Benefit: Reduces total fat content

Ingredient: 1 cup vegetable oil for baking
Natural substitution: 1 cup applesauce
Benefit: Lowers fat content & provides vitamins and minerals

Ingredient: Peanut butter & jelly
Natural substitution: Natural almond butter & fresh organic berries
Benefit: Reduces sugar and adds fiber and vitamins

You once had to shop at a health food store, in addition to your local grocery, to find the natural options listed above, but grocery stores are slowly getting in on the trend and giving us what we want - healthy, organic, natural options. You may have never seen the natural almond butter next to the peanut butter, but it's probably right there in the aisle, and it's fantastic. Give it a try!

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mid-week inspiration

"Never be afraid to do something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark; professionals built the titanic." ~ Anonymous

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy Spring!

Trinity Fitness is back from hiatus and excited about Spring!!

As spring swings into gear (officially begins on Thursday, March 20), there is no better reason to give your body a healthy, fresh start! A spring cleaning, if you will. Besides, if you're thinking about lowering your weight, "eating clean" is a perfect first step.

Add these foods to your grocery list and you'll receive terrific benefits:

1. Lots of ultra-healthy liquids to flush out the body while pouring in nutrients.

2. Fiber to keep your GI tract fit.

3. Foods that energize those cleansing enzymes in the liver, your body's built-in detox center.

Foods to add to your grocery cart to help begin the process of spring cleaning that beautiful body of yours:

Green leafy vegetables: Eat them raw, throw them into a broth, add them to juices. Their chlorophyll helps swab out environmental toxins (heavy metals, pesticides) and protects the liver.

Lemons: You need to keep the fluids flowing to wash out the body and fresh lemonade is ideal. With its super content of vitamin C, considered the detox vitamin, it helps convert toxins into a water-soluble form that's easily flushed away by our bodies.

Watercress: Not a typical item we buy, but put a handful into salads, soups, and even toss on sandwiches. The peppery little green leaves have a diuretic effect that helps move things through your system, and it's rich in minerals too.

Garlic: Add it to everything -- salads, sauces, spreads. In addition to the bulb's cardio benefits, it activates liver enzymes that help filter out the bad stuff.

Green tea: This antioxidant-rich brew is one of the healthiest ways to get more fluids into your system. HA! Bonus: It contains catechins, which speed up liver activity.

Sesame seeds: These little seeds are credited with protecting liver cells from the damaging effects of alcohol and other chemicals. For a concentrated form, try Tahini, the yummy sesame seed paste (you can also buy it in oil form) that's a staple of Asian & Mediterranean cooking.

Fruit, fruit and more fruit: They're full of almost all the good things above: vitamin C, fiber, nutritious fluids, and all kinds of antioxidants. Besides, nothing tastes better than a ripe mango, fresh berries, or a perfect pear.

Happy Spring!

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness
"Harmonizing your mind, body and soul for total Trinity Fitness"

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Taking our own advice

Trinity Fitness is taking a brief hiatus to rest and relax. Decompression is truly important to remaining happy, alert, rested and stress-free. Trinity Fitness is following its own advice and taking time to reflect and relax.

Blogs will return the week of March 17. You can expect a fresh and renewed perspective!

Until then, breathe deep, eat healthy, get that body moving, and of course . . .

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness
"Harmonizing your mind, body and soul for total Trinity Fitness"
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