Monday, September 22, 2008

Avoid Overeating! Enjoy your food!

Food should bring pleasure and gratification, but eating in excess often brings unnecessary calories, which can lead to unwanted weight gain.   I encourage you to employ these simple tactics to limit your caloric intake, reconnect with the art of eating and enjoy your meals.   

1.       Choose fiber-rich fruits and vegetables.  Eat high-calorie foods sparingly, and avoid dishes high in saturated fat and sodium.

2.       Be aware of what you eat. To help prevent overindulging, focus on the act of eating.  Don’t watch television, surf the Internet or indulge in other distractions while you’re enjoying a meal.  Eat slowly; it takes 20 minutes for the stomach to signal the brain that you are full.  Remember to chew and pay attention to what you’re putting in your mouth.

3.       Don't starve yourself all day to justify eating more at dinner.   Eating small meals throughout the day can ward off the temptation to overindulge and it also helps to maintain your metabolic rate.

4.       Get up from the table when you're done, in order to avoid nibbling.  Notice when you’re full.  Most of us tend to just keep eating until our plate is clean and then we’ve overstuffed ourselves.

5.       Once your meal is over, take a walk to help digest your food and think about what a wonderful meal you just had.

~ Live Well ~

Trinity Fitness

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Food court temptations!

We've all been tempted by the aromas that float through the food court in our favorite malls. Have you ever wondered what the best choices in the court were? Here's a fantastic article, posted today, to assist you without your choices:

The Best and Worst of the Mall Food Court

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness
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