Friday, January 18, 2008

"Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death." -- Albert Einstein

It is just as important to exercise your brain as it is to exercise your body. Our brains are composed of different areas and functions, and we can strengthen them through mental exercise - or they can get atrophied for lack of practice. The benefits of challenging our brains are both short-term (improved concentration and memory, sustained mental clarity under stressful situations...), and long-term (creation of a "brain reserve" that helps protect us against potential problems, such as Alzheimer's).

In an interview, Dr. James Zull, Professor of Biology and Biochemistry at Case Western University, says it best: “Learning is critical at all ages, not only in the school environment. We have brains precisely in order to be able to learn, to adapt to new environments. This is essential throughout life, not just in school. We now know that every brain can change, at any age. There is really no upper limit on learning since the brain neurons seem to be capable of growing new connections whenever they are used repeatedly. I think all of us need to develop the capacity to self-motivate ourselves. One way to do that is to search for those meaningful contact points and bridges, between what we want to learn and what we already know. When we do so, we are cultivating our own neuronal networks. We become our own gardeners.

So I’ve put together a list of some fantastic websites that will do just that – expand your mind, cultivate neuronal networks, and challenge you!!

Take an IQ (Intelligence Quotient) Test, and read more about what Intelligence Quotient means and how it's measured.

Visit brain teasers. You can browse various teaser topics on the left-hand side, such as riddles, optical illusions, mystery teasers, science teasers, and a whole lot more. is full of word problems that engage your problem-solving skills and require a combination of world knowledge, mathematics, common sense, logic, and science.

Some of these websites are for children, but we should continue to sharpen our minds no matter what age we are:

This website boasts a slogan: "World’s First and Best Virtual Mental Gymnasium", and I found it extremely informative, but it will cost you to join.

Or may I suggest signing up to receive a “Word of the Day” from Merriam-Webster online dictionary to expand your vocabulary.

Please keep in mind (no pun intended), however, that continuous effort -- not strength or intelligence -- is the real key to unlocking your potential!

~ Live Well ~
Trinity Fitness
“Harmonizing your mind, body & soul for total Trinity Fitness

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